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(7 May) A Creator's Roadmap with Yah-Leng Yu

A Creator’s Roadmap

Date: Thu, 7 May 2020

Time: 3PM (SGT) / 60 minutes

Platform: Zoom

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Session details

A candid tutorial on dreaming up new ideas and ways to act on creative impulse—no matter one’s artistic ability or the environment.

Creativity is a mindset— a way of thinking to finding new solutions. We don’t need to be artists to be creative but we can all be creative salespeople, lawyers, doctors and teachers. And creativity is just like muscles— the more we use them, the stronger they get. So how can we stay creative during these strange times? Yah-Leng will share tips about what she does on a daily basis to inspire creativity and her work and take you on a little creative journey that gets your brain sweating.

Who this is for

– Inquisitive individuals interested in personal growth

– People who are feeling bored and want some guidance on how to stay creative and innovative

– Anyone who needs a little inspiration and motivation during these challenging times

What to bring or prepare

Print this document out. Paper, bunch of sharpies or magic colour markers.

As this is an interactive workshop, come with your video switched on and ready to engage!

About Yah-Leng

Yah-Leng is the Founding Creative Director of Foreign Policy Design Group, an award-winning design and innovation consultancy in Singapore. Formally trained at the Art Institute of Boston, she relocated to New York City, where her creative career blossomed, eventually moving home to Singapore in 2007. Having co-created the official museum store Gallery & Co at the National Gallery Singapore, her works have been also recognized and honored by D&AD, TDC, Tokyo TDC, ADC, AIGA and various design platforms and publications. Yah-Leng is the current President of The Design Society Singapore. She has also often been invited to speak and judge at festivals, conferences and institutions globally and was named one of The Disrupters and Industry Leaders in 2017, 2018 and 2019 respectively on The Tatler 300 List by Singapore Tatler. She is also an AGI (Alliance Graphique Internationale) member.

By registering for this event, you consent to the use of your photograph, voice, likeness, and image in any broadcasts of this event and in subsequent productions drawn from video or audio recordings of this event.

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Your contribution matters.

Our virtual workshops and experiences are designed to provide holistic resources to empower your personal growth journey. We have united with our tastemakers during these difficult times to bring our community together and provide relief to those most affected by the crisis. It is for these reasons—and if you have enjoyed our sessions—we would like you to consider making a donation to keep our sessions running and supporting grassroots causes. 30% of the proceeds will go towards grassroots movements supporting migrant workers in Singapore. Feel free to reach out for more details. You can make your donation using the QR Code, via PayPal or PayNow (UEN: T14LL2596K). All amounts are welcome. We thank you for your generosity.

Our virtual workshops and experiences are designed to provide holistic resources to empower your personal growth journey. We have united with our tastemakers during these difficult times to bring our community together and provide relief to those most affected by the crisis. It is for these reasons—and if you have enjoyed our sessions—we would like you to consider making a donation to keep our sessions running and supporting grassroots causes.

100% of the proceeds will go towards the Golden Triangle Asian Elephant Foundation in Chiang Rai. Feel free to reach out for more details. You can make your donation using the
QR Code if you have a Thai bank account, or via PayPal. All amounts are welcome. We thank you for your generosity.

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