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Creating Space through Movement

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Creating Space through Movement

Creating Space through Movement

Virtual or In-person / 60 mins (Virtual) – 90 mins (In-person) / pricing upon request

Cultivate an ergonomic work posture with a holistic range of multidirectional, cyclical and spiralized movement. Bringing mobility into one’s daily practice, through the joints of the body, is a wonderful way to regenerate energy, improve circulation and create more space for healing the body and mind. This can be taken as a single session or a class series of 4 sessions to travel deeper into the modality. No movement experience is needed.

This package contains 4 sessions, available on both online and in-person platforms. Virtual sessions last 1 hour and in-person sessions will be 1.5 hours.

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Intersections at the Cemetery

Let our personality take you through a journey across time — learn the stories behind deaths and burials of a time when Singapore was a colony, discover diaries and recollections of the war, and discuss the contributions of Singapore's pioneers, and how fascinating parts of the nation's history was charted.

At A Mystical Spot

Gather at a secret mystical spot, located in one of the now-defunct Chinese Kampong sites within the cemetery forest. Discover how the living lived and continues to live among the dead, the effects that modern life and people have had on the spot, and a creative take on how we continue to keep alive the stories of those who came before us.

Culture, Art and Architecture

Discover more on the salvation of the iconic Bukit Brown Cemetery gates, the creation of ad hoc shrines, and the material culture of Bukit Brown — you might even draw a surprising link or two back to European history by understanding the use of decorative elements and materials.

Who this is for

– Anyone

What to bring or prepare

– Don loose comfortable clothing for ease of movement

– Prepare your own yoga mat. A soft flooring or comfortable place to lie down is needed

– An open mind

Creating Space through Movement

Virtual or In-person / 60 mins (Virtual) – 90 mins (In-person) / pricing upon request

Cultivate an ergonomic work posture with a holistic range of multidirectional, cyclical and spiralized movement. Bringing mobility into one’s daily practice, through the joints of the body, is a wonderful way to regenerate energy, improve circulation and create more space for healing the body and mind. This can be taken as a single session or a class series of 4 sessions to travel deeper into the modality. No movement experience is needed.

This package contains 4 sessions, available on both online and in-person platforms. Virtual sessions last 1 hour and in-person sessions will be 1.5 hours.

Who this is for

– Anyone

What to bring or prepare

– Don loose comfortable clothing for ease of movement

– Prepare your own yoga mat. A soft flooring or comfortable place to lie down is needed

– An open mind